Thursday, January 27, 2011


I know it's Thursday, but I wanted to share my Wednesday with you, since I think the subject in discussion on this weeks Kinky Wednesday is both important & interesting. Some one flagged my kink blog so you'll get a friendly warning when you clik in on it here, but don't worry I'm still not posting porn pics, but I am still very dedicated to the investigation of everyday erotic with girly/womany goggles.

Anyway yesterdays entry is on curvy women & I searched for days to put this beautiful post together for you. It really was very interesting for me diving into this pool of voluptious women, & it really did make me feel more at ease with my own body, since I realized I'm not the onlye girl out there who wishes to be proud of her body, just the wy it is.

I hope you will find it intersting & maybe even contribute to the discussion of the topic either here or on the other blog. Happy Blue Skies Thursday & Hooray for the female body in all it's splendour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right, this obsession with being waif thin has a lot to answer to. In my experience anyway not all men are into waifs and a bit of meat is a turn on for many too. Its the media we have to blame for this surely and if they changed their attitudes then influences would also change.

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